Dustrilox - Factory & Industry HTML5 Template


Dustrilox – Factory & Industrial HTML Template is particularly designed for factory, industry, architecture, plants, mechanical, power and energy Business Template. Industry contains distinct variety of home pages like Solar Plant, Agriculture, Ship Industry, Leather Industry, Nuclear Plant, Car Industry, Plastic Industry, Construct, Steel Plant and more. It include everything that you need to succeed in terms of cool website design. It covers different style of inner pages like about us, service, team, portfolio, coming soon, error pages that will be suitable to describe you business. Dustrilox offers a highly customizable code. Quality of code is maintained throughout and you have the freedom to change any given aspect of the template pack and use it to enhance the design of your website accordingly. All you have to do is to get your hands on the Dustrilox template pack and start using it.

This is highly customizable and looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included best practice of web development and you can create great website layout based on Bootstrap or Grid 1310px.


Dustrilox - Factory & Industry HTML5 Template

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