Nui - Creative Portfolio Showcase HTML Website Template


Nui is a Powerful Creative Portfolio Showcase HTML Website Template. Created with care to highlight your creativity and uniquely promote your services. It is ideal for design companies, creative agencies, developers, freelancers, and influencers. Likewise, it can be used by photographers, photo studios, designers, artists, as well as individuals.

Nui offers a wide variety of options and innovative features that are easy to manage and use. GSAP’s (TweenMax) animations, parallax effects, page transitions, fullscreen sliders, and smooth scrollbar provide visitors with a truly modern user experience. You can easily choose between a dark and a light style, which helps your creation stand out better. With the included blog pages, you can share your stories and publish important news. A variety of stylish layouts will help you achieve your best performance.


The Code is well commented and organized, and much of it is explained directly in the code for ease of use. The 100% responsive and clean design works well on all types of screens and devices (laptops, tablets, and mobiles).

This website template is perfect for creating something really great with minimal effort, no matter if you are planning a new project for yourself or for a client.

Nui - Creative Portfolio Showcase HTML Website Template

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