
WilCard for Elementor


Wil Text Card is a plug-in for your website that allows you to create content block templates easily, without any coding knowledge. With Wil Text Card, you can write content without worrying about how the structure is generated.Choose from various block templates for your landing pages such as text box, text column, text carousel, slideshow, and rich text with image. It also offers advanced features like motion effects, CTA buttons, and icons.

You can use the plug-in for any purpose – from your eCommerce site to your website for client development. Content is structured logically and beautifully so that all readers are kept engaged and excited about going further. Each content card is built on a base of strength and balance, making everything cohesive on a single page.You can use any WordPress theme to customize the plug-in. We’ve built it for you so it’s simple the first time. There are no complicated settings or settings options needed. Wil Text Card is also mobile-optimized for any screen size.


WilCard for Elementor

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