Accompanying with startups and business of all fields all over the world, Atomlab’s impressive design and supreme features can give your company a strong head start. Atomlab can as a productive tool for strengthening your business, boosting sales, and improving the company’s reputation.
Enjoy the biggest update with remarkable new changes: 03 new startup home-pages with different layouts, minor error & bug fixing, plugins updating. This is a gift for our dear customers for their contribution and support of this supreme IT business theme which is suitable for both agency & freelancer. In the future updates, we commit to bring in even greater features as well as better designs for helping users achieve higher growth.
A homepage whose spotlight is meant for portfolio showcase. This is another layout for users’ reference in addition to the grid layout of Portfolio Home. It features a full-screen vertical slideshow, category tabs and masonry portfolio archive.
A very informative, intriguing homepage for news and events presentation. The lazy load effect makes up a mind-blowing news feed with various blog categories just like an eMagazine. News posts & Instagram feeds are smartly arranged to achieve better readability.The most impressive thing is the full-width slider with a video background. The video will popup when clicking on the preview button. This kind of slider is advantageous for brands to advertise their new project, new products or brand intro video. A useful layout for creative agencies and studios.