
WordPress 默认没有复制这个功能的,比如两篇文章和页面内容相似,在原有基础上稍作修改就可以,通过复制就方便多了。当我们需要大部分相同的格式、标签、分类、自定义字段、SEO 数据等时,我们需要复制页面或文章功能。在本教程中,我们将学习如何在 WordPress 中复制页面或文章。我们可以使用插件或不使用插件来做到这一点。在此方法中,我们将创建复制 WordPress 页面或文章的功能。我们将在 functions.php 文件中添加一个代码片段。
* Function creates post duplicate as a draft and redirects then to the edit post screen
function duplicate_post_or_page(){
global $wpdb;
if (! ( isset( $_GET['post']) || isset( $_POST['post']) || ( isset($_REQUEST['action']) && 'duplicate_post_or_page' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) ) ) {
wp_die('No post to duplicate has been supplied!');
* Nonce verification
if ( !isset( $_GET['duplicate_nonce'] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['duplicate_nonce'], basename( __FILE__ ) ) )
* get the original post id
$post_id = (isset($_GET['post']) ? absint( $_GET['post'] ) : absint( $_POST['post'] ) );
* and all the original post data then
$post = get_post( $post_id );
* if you don't want current user to be the new post author,
* then change next couple of lines to this: $new_post_author = $post->post_author;
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$post_author = $current_user->ID;
* if post data exists, create the post duplicate
if (isset( $post ) && $post != null) {
* new post data array
$args = array(
'comment_status' => $post->comment_status,
'ping_status' => $post->ping_status,
'post_author' => $post_author,
'post_content' => $post->post_content,
'post_excerpt' => $post->post_excerpt,
'post_name' => $post->post_name,
'post_parent' => $post->post_parent,
'post_password' => $post->post_password,
'post_status' => 'draft',
'post_title' => $post->post_title,
'post_type' => $post->post_type,
'to_ping' => $post->to_ping,
'menu_order' => $post->menu_order
* insert the post by wp_insert_post() function
$new_post_id = wp_insert_post( $args );
* get all current post terms ad set them to the new post draft
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post->post_type);
foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
$post_terms = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'slugs'));
wp_set_object_terms($new_post_id, $post_terms, $taxonomy, false);
* duplicate all post meta just in two SQL queries
$post_meta = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id=$post_id");
if (count($post_meta)!=0) {
$sql_query = "INSERT INTO $wpdb->postmeta (post_id, meta_key, meta_value) ";
foreach ($post_meta as $meta_info) {
$meta_key = $meta_info->meta_key;
if( $meta_key == '_wp_old_slug' ) continue;
$meta_value = addslashes($meta_info->meta_value);
$sql_query_sel[]= "SELECT $new_post_id, '$meta_key', '$meta_value'";
$sql_query.= implode(" UNION ALL ", $sql_query_sel);
* finally, redirect to the edit post screen for the new draft
wp_redirect( admin_url( 'post.php?action=edit&post=' . $new_post_id ) );
} else {
wp_die('Post creation failed, could not find original post: ' . $post_id);
add_action( 'admin_action_duplicate_post_or_page', 'duplicate_post_or_page' );
上面的代码将创建一个具有相同内容(如标签、分类、自定义字段等)的文章。因此,将此代码添加到主题的 functions.php 文件中并保存。
上面我们制作了复制 WordPress 文章或页面的功能,并将新文章作为具有相同数据的草稿。而下面的代码将在列表页面上一个新的动作,运行上面的功能。因此,在主题的 functions.php 文件中添加以下代码并保存。
* Add the duplicate link to the action list for post_row_actions
function duplicate_post_link( $actions, $post ) {
if (current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
$actions['duplicate'] = '<a href="'%20.%20wp_nonce_url('admin.php?action=duplicate_post_or_page&post='%20.%20%24post->ID,%20basename(__FILE__),%20'duplicate_nonce'%20)%20.%20'" title="Duplicate this item" rel="permalink">Duplicate</a>';
return $actions;
add_filter( 'post_row_actions', 'duplicate_post_link', 10, 2 );
在主题的 functions.php 文件中添加两个代码块后,您将在帖子列表页面上看到一个新的操作链接。标签将是 Duplicate,您可以更改为克隆或复制。
现在您可以通过单击复制操作链接来克隆您的 WordPress 文章。它将创建具有相同内容的新文章,并将您重定向到编辑帖子页面。您可以在此处发布或起草。
但是,如果您还想复制 WordPress 页面怎么办?
在添加了上面【 在文章列表添加复制链接 】的代码基础上,只需再将下面的代码添加到主题的 functions.php 文件中,就可以为页面显示相同的复制链接。
add_filter('page_row_actions', 'duplicate_post_link', 10, 2);