


这是一款效果十分炫酷的 jQuery 和 css3 鼠标滑过网格相邻图片浮动效果。插件中使用了 jQuery Proximity plugin。有很多种方法使用纯 css 来制作手风琴效果,其中使用最多的是使用:target 伪类来实现。使用:target 伪类的问题是我们不能够再次关闭内容区域或同时显示多个内容区域。但是通过使用 checkbox,我们可以控制内容区域的打开和关闭。如果只想在某一时刻只显示一个内容,可以使用 radio 按钮来实现。


下面的例子 demo2 的 html 结构:

  1. <ul id="pe-thumbs" class="pe-thumbs">
  2.     <li>
  3.         <a href="#">
  4.             <img src="images/thumbs/1.jpg" />
  5.             <div class="pe-description">
  6.                 <h3>Time</h3>
  7.                 <p>Since time, and his predestinated end</p>
  8.             </div></a>
  9.     </li>
  10.     <li><!-- ... --></li>
  11. </ul>



  1.     // list of thumbs
  2. var $list       = $('#pe-thumbs'),
  3.     // list's width and offset left.
  4.     // this will be used to know the position of the description container
  5.     listW       = $list.width(),
  6.     listL       = $list.offset().left,
  7.     // the images
  8.     $elems      = $list.find('img'),
  9.     // the description containers
  10.     $descrp     = $list.find('div.pe-description'),
  11.     // maxScale : maximum scale value the image will have
  12.     // minOpacity / maxOpacity : minimum (set in the CSS) and maximum values for the image's opacity
  13.     settings    = {
  14.         maxScale    : 1.3,
  15.         maxOpacity  : 0.9,
  16.         minOpacity  : Number( $elems.css('opacity') )
  17.     },
  18.     init        = function() {  
  19.         // minScale will be set in the CSS
  20.         settings.minScale = _getScaleVal() || 1;
  21.         // preload the images (thumbs)
  22.         _loadImages( function() {           
  23.             _calcDescrp();
  24.             _initEvents();
  25.         });
  26.     },
  27.     // Get Value of CSS Scale through JavaScript:
  28.     // http://css-tricks.com/get-value-of-css-rotation-through-javascript/
  29.     _getScaleVal= function() {
  30.         var st = window.getComputedStyle($elems.get(0), null),
  31.             tr = st.getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform") ||
  32.                  st.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform") ||
  33.                  st.getPropertyValue("-ms-transform") ||
  34.                  st.getPropertyValue("-o-transform") ||
  35.                  st.getPropertyValue("transform") ||
  36.                  "fail...";
  37.         if( tr !== 'none' ) {    
  38.             var values = tr.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(','),
  39.                 a = values[0],
  40.                 b = values[1],
  41.                 c = values[2],
  42.                 d = values[3];
  43.             return Math.sqrt( a * a + b * b ); 
  44.         }
  45.     },
  46.     // calculates the style values for the description containers,
  47.     // based on the settings variable
  48.     _calcDescrp = function() { 
  49.         $descrp.each( function(i) {
  50.             var $el     = $(this),
  51.                 $img    = $el.prev(),
  52.                 img_w   = $img.width(),
  53.                 img_h   = $img.height(),
  54.                 img_n_w = settings.maxScale * img_w,
  55.                 img_n_h = settings.maxScale * img_h,
  56.                 space_t = ( img_n_h - img_h ) / 2,
  57.                 space_l = ( img_n_w - img_w ) / 2;   
  58.             $el.data( 'space_l', space_l ).css({
  59.                 height  : settings.maxScale * $el.height(),
  60.                 top     : -space_t,
  61.                 left    : img_n_w - space_l
  62.             });
  63.         });
  64.     },
  65.     _initEvents = function() {
  66.         $elems.on('proximity.Photo', { max: 80, throttle: 10, fireOutOfBounds : true }, function(event, proximity, distance) {   
  67.             var $el         = $(this),
  68.                 $li         = $el.closest('li'),
  69.                 $desc       = $el.next(),
  70.                 scaleVal    = proximity * ( settings.maxScale - settings.minScale ) + settings.minScale,
  71.                 scaleExp    = 'scale(' + scaleVal + ')';
  72.             // change the z-index of the element once 
  73.             // it reaches the maximum scale value
  74.             // also, show the description container
  75.             if( scaleVal === settings.maxScale ) {  
  76.                 $li.css( 'z-index', 1000 );  
  77.                 if( $desc.offset().left + $desc.width() > listL + listW ) {    
  78.                     $desc.css( 'left', -$desc.width() - $desc.data( 'space_l' ) );               
  79.                 }              
  80.                 $desc.fadeIn( 800 );               
  81.             }   
  82.             else {              
  83.                 $li.css( 'z-index', 1 );
  84.                 $desc.stop(true,true).hide();   
  85.             }             
  86.             $el.css({
  87.                 '-webkit-transform' : scaleExp,
  88.                 '-moz-transform'    : scaleExp,
  89.                 '-o-transform'      : scaleExp,
  90.                 '-ms-transform'     : scaleExp,
  91.                 'transform'         : scaleExp,
  92.                 'opacity'           : ( proximity * ( settings.maxOpacity - settings.minOpacity ) + settings.minOpacity )
  93.             });
  94.         });
  95.     },
  96.     _loadImages = function( callback ) {
  97.         var loaded  = 0,
  98.             total   = $elems.length;
  99.         $elems.each( function(i) {     
  100.             var $el = $(this);        
  101.             $('<img>').load( function() {               
  102.                 ++loaded;
  103.                 if( loaded === total )
  104.                     callback.call();  
  105.             }).attr( 'src', $el.attr('src') );
  106.         });
  107.     };
  108. return {
  109.     init    : init
  110. };

jQuery+css3 鼠标滑过网格相邻图片浮动效果

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