stackgrid_adem 是一款简单且高度可定制的 jQuery 瀑布流网格布局插件。通过该瀑布流网格插件你可以动态添加和删除各种尺寸的图片,定义图片宽度,设置网格的列数,或使用流式布局方式,甚至还可以通过 URL 动态添加图片。
使用该瀑布流布局插件之前要先引入 jQuery 和 stackgrid.adem.js 文件。
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="stackgrid.adem.js"></script>
<div id="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item">...</div>
<div class="grid-item">...</div>
<div class="grid-item">...</div>
在确保所有内容都被加载之后,可以通过下面的方法来初始化该瀑布流网格布局插件。一定要确保所有的内容都被加载,这样可以使 stackgrid 计算出正确的高度。
// Create a stackgrid object.
var stackgrid = new $.stackgrid;
var options = {
column_width: 320
// Wrap the initializer inside window on load to
// make sure to wait until all the grid contents are loaded.
var $window = $(window);
$window.on('load', function(){
// Initialize stackgrid!
// The first two arguments are for the container selector and the item selector.
stackgrid.initialize('#grid-container', '.grid-item', options);
// Create new grid-item.
item = $("<div class=\"grid-item\"> I'm a new grid item. </div>");
// Append it to the grid-container.
// *** If the new content has image(s), make sure it's loaded first before appending!
// Append to stackgrid!
// Restack the grid to apply your config changes.
stackgrid.config.is_fluid = false;
// Certain changes require you to reset the grid.
// These are changes that affect the dimensions of the grid-item or
// if you remove any of the items.
stackgrid.config.column_width = 400;
// The values shown here are the default ones.
stackgrid.config = {
// Your column width.
column_width: 320,
// Adjust spacing in-between grid-items.
gutter: 20,
// Set this as true to let stackgrid automatically
// determine the number of columns based on the
// viewport's width.
is_fluid: true,
// Set this as true to sort the grid in an vertically optimal way.
is_optimized: true,
// If is_fluid is false, it will
// use this as the default number of columns.
number_of_columns: 4,
// Timeout delay to call the resize complete function.
resize_delay: 300,
// You can customize when and how each item is moved!
// Make sure to use jQuery stop() function if you decide to
// animate it.
// Where you place the callback determines
// when the next move operation is called.
move: function(element, left, top, callback) {
left: left,
top: top
// This function is used to scale the container containing
// the grid-items.
// The callback function starts the move operations.
scale: function(element, width, height, callback) {
height: height,
width: width
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