
Right Now 全屏视频+图像+音频 wordpress主题模板


Right Now
Right Now 是一款非常精美的 WordPress 图片展示主题,它售价为 45 美元,基于 HTML5+CSS3 创建,内置了 Ajax 加载实现了上一页下一页功能,并经过优化能够在 iPad、iPhone 等移动设备上完美展现。什么大背景、自动切换背景,在 Right Now 面前统统弱爆了,这货竟然直接把视频当做页面背景,而且可以根据列表连续播放,不过可惜的是,这种超前的主题,在中国目前的网速下是让人很难受的,尽管这是一款很值得夸赞的 wordpress 音乐摄影类主题。友情提示,由于演示站点的背景视频是国外网站,所以可以需要一些办法才能查看完整的演示。


Enhanced with HTML5 and CSS3
Maximum audio control with Advanced Playlist
Ajax Load function with Next and Previous feature
Fresh looking Scroll Bar
With “No more Modal Window”, you can surf amongst the visual contents
“Draw the screen” makes navigating easier with sensible mouse movements
Optimized features for IPhone, Ipad and Android devices
Portfolio filter
Deeplink Support
4 columns design options
Valid HTML
489+ Google fonts
Contact form validation
Google map
Button and special elements support
Share Icons
Psd files
Video help documents


Draw the Screen
Don’t search for the buttons, just “Draw the Screen” and navigate your visual contents easily and with pleasure Just draw left to right, or top to bottom, thats enough. Do you want fullscreen mode? So draw a line to the top…

No more Modal Window
Did you get bored with “Modal Windows”? Enlarge your visual contents with a single click and you will be able to swim in your content.

Advanced Playlist
Winamp style playlist allows you to make your playlist.. Stop, start, loop and seek.. Adjust the volume.. You have full control over it. And it is not Flash !

Mobile Browsers
With its new update, Right Now is much more compatible, faster and seamless on mobile devices such as Ipad, Iphone or Android.

Why have we disabled video backgrounds for mobile browsers?: Because mobile browsers don’t support playing video files on background. Video contents in mobile browsers block our controller objects and they become inactive (except Android 3.1).

Right Now v1.4 wordpress 主题演示与下载:

Right Now 全屏视频+图像+音频 wordpress 主题模板

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