The CROX Esports & Gaming HTML5 website template is a custom design package that is exclusively made for E-Sports and Gamming. It provides the best way to Stay connected in to your gaming consoles and communicate/interact with other gamers, using our impression of a Gamers’ Community Website. It has a modern, clean, creative & unique design based on the latest technology. It contains gamming layout and about layout and 07+ valid HTML5 page templates designs. The CROX Esports & Gaming template features the coded with Bootstrap v4.0, HTML5 & CSS3 and unlimited color schemes. It’s compatible with all modern browsers and search engine friendly. So showcase your artworks and services with this awesome template!
Launch your brand new sports betting Platform website that meets the latest trends in the world of sports betting website! By using Bitbetio- sports betting Platform HTML Templates and you can present your website in a professional way, making it a very effective source of assistance for your customers. Sports bets using crypto currency Peer 2 Peer – user bet against other users, on the game results, i.e who wins and what will be the score. Pick up this Bitbetio Templates, now and start your way into getting more and more clients. With your professional looking website, you are showing off what you can do as a company, thus improving your overall business output. This is…
Eoorox – Gaming and eSports HTML5 Template is a modern, clean & powerful, contrast design that is perfect for the game portal, clans, gaming, eSports, gaming studio, game communities, gaming news, and store. You can also display a list of your games, announce your streams, matches, present your gaming clan and get everything else a modern eSports, gaming, and gaming studio websites ever need. Eoorox comes with 3 unique Home pages which will allow you to have a different-looking website for your visitors. It also has About Team, Gallery, FAQ, Our Game, Matches, Match Details, Live Streaming, Blogs, Blog Details, Contact, and 404 Pages that are all its need for a gaming-related website.
Gamon is the powerful, dark and modern HTML Template for gaming communities. It is perfect for gaming, esports, gaming tournaments, online gaming, live streams and every gaming studio. You can also announce your streams, display a list of your matches with a beautiful layout. The template is a clean, contrast and pixel perfect.